Fire Safe Cigarettes

Effective July 1, 2011, in accordance with Wyoming Reduced Cigarette Ignition Standard, W.S.35-9-804, each cigarette manufacturer shall certify in writing to The Department of Revenue:

(i) Each cigarette listed in the certification has been tested pursuant to W.S.35-9-803;

(ii) Each cigarette listed in the certification meets the performance standard set forth in W.S.35-9-803.

To complete your cigarette-style certification, in accordance with W.S.35-9-804, please fill out a State of Wyoming Certification Cigarette Manufacturer Application. Manufacturers will need to re-certify cigarettes every three (3) years. Applications must be notarized. Please submit payment and application to:

Wyoming Department of Revenue

Excise Tax Division

122 W 25th St Ste E301

Herschler Building East

Cheyenne WY  82002-0110 

Attn: Ray Bancroft

If you have questions or for more information,

contact or at 307-777-5541